

some tips that would have made my freshman year much easier if someone had told me.

What Every College Freshman Must Know

You've heard it before, you'll hear it again: THIS ISN'T HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE. You're a big kid now. There are a few things that you need to know, some tips that would have made my freshman year much easier if someone had told me.
1.) No one's going to tell you what to do anymore. But even though that's so, the fact remains that you need about 8 hours of sleep every night and a good 3 meals a day. It sounds basic, but so many freshmen get really sick simply because they don't take care of themself. Being sick is no fun, plus it means missed class, which can really hurt your GPA.
2.) Your profs aren't going to remind you constantly of test dates or due dates. It's up to YOU to read your syllabus and know when things are happening.
3.) Don't be afraid to ask questions. It's better to ask a dumb question and look stupid for a second than totally screw up and have people KNOW you're stupid.
4.) Your advisor is smart, he or she knows what they're doing. However, advisors aren't God, and you have the ultimate decision as to what classes you want to take. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :

