

In the dripping water test

distinguish Anthentic Louis Vuitton Handbags Louis Vuitton Replica Bags

Step 2 Its unreliable to distinguish true and false Louis vuitton bag absolutely depend on Louis vuitton hidden sequence number, but many counterfeit are found by sequence number. The connecting place of band in the bottom place. (1)Some LOGO must be symmetrical no matter in front and rear,up and downleft and right, it requires much cloth to reach this requirement. (2)Matching leather part will give chemical reaction when it encounter air, and will turn red by natural oxidation, this is a kind of noblest coral red, most factories seldom have this kind of leather. (3)The effect of sewing must be symmetrical. Theres a light guard line beside the yellow line on the band of matching leather. (4)In the dripping water test, matching leather part suck the water and it turns black after dripped water. (5)The white color that link up to the edge of the louis vuitton bag can turn to red leather line, and its thin,erect and round. The ordinary factories cant finish this task. (6)The inside leather materials that have serial number are canvas Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags,leather wool, and the first leather is identified by eye. (7)Its easiest to use the metal slide fastener and the cost of this kind of slide fastener is very high. (8)Since the Louis Vuitton handbag is three-dimensional, it looks like geometric shape from each angle, its concavo-convex and wont have the phenomenon of uneven. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :

